Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prairie Girl Gone Wild

Self Portrait
My passion for photography has grown into an obsession because of PrairieView.

I have been a photographer since my high school days. I took as many courses in photography as they had to offer at the high school. These courses fueled my interest and gave me enough confidence to pursue my exploration of a career in photography.

Over the years I have worked in many fields of employment. But my constant interest was always photography.

I volunteered for Videon (Now Shaw) for a couple of years. I enjoyed the video aspect but was always drawn to portraits of people and events. I have photographed everything from Santa pictures to Weddings.

It took over ten years before I reached the point where I felt my photography was not progressing to my liking. I was ready for the next step. I believed that I needed more formal training to develop my skills and techniques as well as the business aspect necessary to be a successful professional photographer.

Initially I was unsure that the PrairieView Diploma course would provide me with everything I needed to pursue a professional photography career.

I have not completed half of the course yet, but feel I have learned so much because of the expert staff at PrairieView. In each of the 5 classes are teachers who specialize in a specific area of photography. Each class seems to tie into each other and reinforce what you learn. From correcting my camera grip to understanding histograms these teachers have both challenged and enlightened me.

Images captured for Assignments

Film Capture (Ektar film)
The course has taught me the history of photography - how it began and developed. I am learning all about the famous photographers in the industry and how they have succeeded or failed. The hands - on developing in the darkroom and use of all kinds of film promote skills that are transferred to other areas such as the new digital editing techniques. Creative imaging class has encouraged me to be unique and has helped me to understand the importance of light in photography. "Photography is writing with light." We are just starting our studio lighting in image capture class. I am excited to learn these techniques from an expert.

Myself in the Darkroom with fellow students

Fellow students at work in Analogue Technique class

(Above) Photogram (Self Portrait of my hair) I had my fellow student Tara Craigon position my hair. (Below) Darkroom Photo montage (Two negatives sandwiched together).
Antique Camera explored in History class
I have found PrairieView demanding but fun. I look forward to seeing the other students each day and know that I will always learn something new. The school is a great supportive environment to learn in. I often stay up very late at night because of the interest I have in the projects I am working on. My photography has become more fun for me because my abilities have grown. I am able to envision an image and capture it in only a few frames. This makes it more rewarding.

Just for Fun Images

The course has provided me with information about the technical and business side of photography. It teaches you what gear to invest in as well as how to gain more knowledge on your own.

Upon my graduation from the PrairieView School of Photography Diploma Course I plan to pursue a career in Wedding Photography and family portraits. PrairieView has opened my eyes to all the possibilities there are in photography. This career is a lot of work and you never do stop learning. In fact, there is more to know now than there ever was.

Thank you PrairieView for teaching me to think outside the box.

Who knows where my passion will take me!

Hayley Porteous

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